l’Association des Arts du Verre du Canada

Alexander Defauw

Alexander Defauw

Alex‘s artistic mission is to shine a light on the ongoing battle against

HIV/AIDS, addressing the stigma and discrimination faced by those

who are HIV-positive. As someone living with HIV, he celebrates the

remarkable progress in treatment since the 1980s, emphasizing the

increased life expectancy for individuals like himself, who represent

the third generation impacted by this disease. His work not only pays

tribute to those lost to AIDS but also showcases the advancements

that have greatly improved the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS.

Operating under the pseudonym „The Bearded Blower,“ Alex separates his personal identity from his art. The playful name, a witty nod to his craft as a Glass Blower, reflects his thoughtful approach to designing pieces that seamlessly integrate into their intended environments.