Glass Art Association of Canada

Jeanne Letourneau

Jeanne Letourneau

Montreal, Québec, Canada

My creations are an ensemble of everything that I love and hate, what gives me emotions and makes me vibrate. My influences are everywhere: the corner of a street, the shape of a building, human interactions. The main subject of my artistic research is the city and its surroundings, I am fascinated by its evolution in time. I see beauty and ugliness in everything that inspires me, the people, the passion, the raw. My work is heavily inspired by the architecture of the brutalism movement of the 50’s and 60’s. I love materials like concrete and steel that scream, that are cold and direct, materials that disturb and fascinate the eye at the same time. The brutalist movement doesn’t care about seducing, it is. A part of me identifies with that movement: my creations are simple and uncluttered, they are full of me, of you, of all that we create, and all that we let die.

My medium of choice is glass. I chose this material because of its transparency and capacity to absorb light and change