Alex Anagnostou Alex Anagnostou Toronto, ON, Canada Image Gallery Mandala Anthozoa (detail) 17 x 14 x 4 inches, Sandcast glass, hot-worked inclusions, aluminium Mandala Zooanthellae 16 x 14 x 4 inches, Sandcast glass, hot worked glass inclusions, fish bones, aluminium Manipulating the Earth - Small Amber-001 12 x 7 x 3 inches, Sandcast glass, aluminium, copper foil Tower Series - Pastoral 17 x 5 x 3 inches, Sandcast glass, aluminium 09 Anangostou _ RBG Mural - angle view - daytime Migration (Southeast Sculpture) City of Mississauaga, 14 ft x 12 ft x 12 inches Ovoid Form - Emerald Seeding Clouds 55 x 60 x 24 inches Blown glass with hot-worked glass threads, aluminium, stainless steel Glaciation 30 x 5 x 4 inches, LED Lights, Steel, Sandcast Glass Multiverse 72 x 48 x 18 inches, Blown glass, aluminium, stainless steel Manipulating the Earth 72 x 9 x 10 inches, Sandcast glass, metal rotating base