Collin Walsh
Collin Walsh
Oshawa, ON, Canada
I always wanted to be a mad scientist, though I never did end up getting around to doing that PhD.
Instead, as a lampworker and visual creative, I merge classical forms of blown glass vessels with my own particular flavour of pop-surreal, ‘B -Horror’ aesthetic in order to create grotesque caricatures of everyday objects. Objects that, despite their inherent unpleasantness, organic and palpably repulsive ornamentation, are ultimately incredibly rewarding to touch and use.
When we find ourselves confronted by the mystery & melancholy of de Chirico’s street corner, will we embrace the unfamiliar with open arms? Or shall we remain blissfully uninformed in the relative comforts of our ignorance? Personally, I think I’ll always find the former to be the more appealing option. Through my work with glass, I hope to force confrontation with deep seated aesthetic biases and explore my perennial fascination with the macabre, the surreal, and the beautifully grotesque.
Image Gallery

Sweet Cicely

Hymn of Solace for a Soft Machine

Instruments for Placid Flesh

A Forgotten Sin_Disparate and Longing for What is Lost

Placental Incarnation of Noxious Ryhtym

The Furled Fingers of Long Dead Men (Nail Files)

Espresso Mug

Perfidious Monuments to The Castration of Will (Espresso Mugs)

Perverse Malformation of an Orphaned Desire_A Soured and Mucousal Incongruity in Polluted Flesh

Obfuscated Cabochon

Viscera Cabochon

Viscera Cabochon with Flower

Transcended Daughter of a Starless Abstract

An Indomitable Inequity requestioned in Soft Form

Espresso Mug

Severed Ear of the Provost Tuned in C Minor